So I think I'm pregnant again...

So, I'm two weeks late for AF, but wasn't too concerned as I'm breastfeeding and ive been late every month since. I started to grow a bit concerned however, whenever I started breaking out (never happens unless I'm preggo...). I took four walmart 88 cent tests, and all four have very faint lines. I'm trying to brush them off as being evaps, but I'm a bit in denial... truth is, I'm not ready to be pregnant again. I have an almost 11 month old and was wanting to wait until she was at least two. I wanted to baby her and have that mommy and daughter time together. My husband and I were extremely careful - we used condoms every time and always made sure there were no tears, etc. I'm not dumb to not know that that is not 100%... I can't test on FRER yet as they don't work for me until I'm farther along. I guess I'm just wondering how others coped with having babies so close? I'm just sad and scared and not ready...