If he don't want you..

If a man doesn't call you it's because he doesn't want to call you. If a man doesn't invite you to go out its because he doesn't want to see you. If a man treats you like shit it's because he doesn't care. If a man lets you go it's because he doesn't want to be with you. When a man says " I'm not ready yet, but you're the love of my life, right person wrong time" it's because he does not want to be with you. Don't keep playing his confusing games, don't justify him. When I man wants to be with you he will show you that. Stop being genuine and naive, stop justifying his every excuses, put yourself first. You do not need someone that does not know what they want, you do not need someone that doesn't see your worth. You deserve a man that knows how much you're worth and fights for you every day, stop breaking your own heart for someone who probably won't be as good as you think. Give yourself an opportunity to be happy with someone who actually deserves you.