Hashimotos and Hyperthyroidism


I was first diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease about 3 yrs ago. It wasn't ever bad enough that I had to be put on any medication. January of this year we found out we were expecting our first and we were thrilled. Then out of nowhere I turned major hyperthyroid and the only two options for meds had high risks so we had to make a decision.. which one was worse. Sadly before I could even start one we miscarried at 7wks. Now I am on a strong medicine to try and slow down my thyroid called PTU. We have decided to start trying to get pregnant again but it's a struggle. I'm worried about this medicine affecting things I'm also so scared of miscarrying again. They said my thyroid could of had nothing to do with it. Just a lot on my mind and wondering if anyone out there can relate!!
