How do I deal with getting dumped?

He said a few weeks ago he didn’t know if he wanted to be with me anymore. It’s been a year.

Well tonight I got fed up with it.

He can’t just keep sitting in this grey area waiting for him to make up his mind, dragging me along.

I have kids and it’s not fair to them either.

I told him I have respect for myself and that I was done.

He never called back, didn’t fight me.

On my way home from my mothers I saw him standing outside the bar just having a grand old time.

Even though I ended it, I feel more as if I was the one dumped.

He’s happy it’s over, so it seems. Doesn’t seem to care one bit that I walked away.


Ai don’t know how to act from now on.

I wanted to block him so that I wouldn’t be tempted to talk to him. Then I thought that was childish.

Now I’m scared that he’s not blocked, he won’t try to contact me, I know for sure and it will hurt.

Or should I talk to him and pretend to be happy and not care?

I feel so resentful, like I want him to regret it.

I’m so hurt.

I hate that I had to do it because he didn’t have the balls,

He can’t keep sleeping with me and be unsure. It’s been weeks. I gave him time.

I feel like I did the right thing but I’m hurt.

My chest feels caved in.

How do deal with the pain??

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