URGENT!Leaking fluid and back cramps at 25 weeks?


Ok, so the Past few days I have been feeling extra wet down there and every time I cough or sneeze a gush of fluid comes out. Today, I started to get really bad back pains down the middle of my back and it’s only gotten worse. I’m only 25 and a half weeks. I called the obgyn and they told me to come in to triage to get evaluated. I feel like I should wait a little bit, because the back pains aren’t consistent like contentions would be. I would hate to go in to be told, it’s nothing you’re fine. And then come home at 3 am alone, in not the safest neighborhood, or to not go in and risk it actually being leakage and it hurting my baby. Does anyone know what are the signs or actual preterm labor????? I still feel him kicking so I know he’s moving. Any opinions are appreciated.