Just sad and venting


Yesterday I was told by a very good friend that’s she became pregnant. In my head I told myself to be so happy for her but my heart felt like it was ripped in half. My SO and I have been TTC for 6 months and nothing. I know it doesn’t seem like a long time but sure feels like it. I follow all the rules eat healthy, no smoking no drinking. My friend on the other hand was quite a heavy drinker and smoked like a chimney, cigarettes as well as MJ. She also wasn’t even trying to get pregnant!!

I feel so bitter about it and feel awful for thinking badly and being extremely jealous of my friend.

I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this as my friend has only told a few people and my hubby doesn’t understand and is a pissed off I’ve been so down.

I need to get over this but don’t know how.

Anyone been through this?