What's going on


Everyone says their pets get super cuddly and lay on them all the time but my pets already do that so I wasn't sure. I went to my boyfriend's parent's house and their dog was super sweet and didn't jump up on me like he always does. Then the neighbors dog who had puppies a few months ago sat in my lap and protected me from him over and over. She let me pet her when I used to spend more time over there but she hasn't seen me in a month and it was just out of the blue. Maybe she knows something I don't. TWW is killing me. so I took a test knowing it will be neg because my of all the symptoms I have been having. I just feel so off and sick all the time even though I'm not puking I want to. I don't know I just feel like an alien has taken over my body this week. I have no idea what's going. on that's a good sign I hope baby dust to you all. come on rainbow baby 🌈 🚼. still 11 days before AF