My TWW symptoms before my BFP! *Updated*


On 6DPO, I started logging my symptoms as I could tell that something was definitely different. Below is the log I kept day by day.

As a disclaimer, every woman is different and I am not saying everyone should "symptom spot,” but I liked reading these while I was waiting so I thought I would share.

Baby dust to everyone

There's some controversy over pre-implantation symptoms. Some say it can happen, some say no. I'll just say 1-5 DPO I had low back aches, vivid dreams, and couldn't sleep past 5:30am. Interpret as you will!

6 DPO: Most of the day I felt an intermittent pinching in my lower left abdomen. I kept checking to see if my pants were pinching my skin! (They weren't). Still dreaming, still waking up early.

7DPO: The pinching is over. Felt very very light cramping during the day. Very odd for me. SOOOO thirsty. Mouth very dry. I couldn't get enough water, and drank over 100 ounces. (Lots of bathroom trips as a result.) Very tired. Took a nap early afternoon (weird again). Still dreaming, still waking up early. My cheeks and chest are flushed.

8DPO: Woke up at 3am needing to pee. Couldn't fall back asleep. Very tired as a result. Still having very vivid dreams. Skin is still flushed. When I press my fingers on my chest, it goes white like when you have a sunburn. Also feeling lightly nauseous and dizzy.

This next part is TMI so you've been warned. I've been tracking my cm. After O, it started out creamy and was slowly drying day by day. But when I woke up this morning, that story had changed. I could tell the minute I stood out of bed that there was more going on down there. Will wait to see how this progresses.

By evening, the bloating is so real! Ugh

9DPO: Woke up at 5am, wide awake again (even though I feel so tired). More dreams last night. So bloated! Some light cramping in lower abdomen. Bbs are getting heavy and sore! Feel winded when I climb the stairs. 😰

In the afternoon, I went to the bathroom and there were super tiny drops of blood. Like a few tiny specks in my underwear and a few tiny drops on the toilet paper. After I wiped a couple times it went away. I'm not going to lie, I instantly starting bawling my eyes out in the bathroom. I hope it's what I think it is...

10DPO: More dreams. Woke up early again unable to sleep. Some more TMI, I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was a bunch of cm that looked like lotion - white and creamy. 😐 Low back is still aching. Still getting weird twinges now and then in my lower abdomen.

Really hungry today. Kept eating and kept not being full. Really super bloated. Gassy. (Attractive. I know.)

11DPO: Woke up at 5am (after dreaming of course) with a throbbing headache and dry mouth. I've been drinking so much water but I can't get enough! I downed a glass and the headache went away.

I have been peeing every hour since waking up. My low back hurts. I get a sharp pain in my back or legs every now and then. Also getting little twinges in my lower abdomen.

My nipples look different today but I can't pinpoint exactly why. I measured my chest two days ago and it has grown an inch since. 😲

I feel out of breath when I climb up the stairs.

Had some hot flashes. I kept asking my husband if it was hot and he said no. He also has been looking at me a bit odd and told me "something is wrong with you.” I think he thinks I'm sick or something.

I started breaking out a bit which makes me worried that AF is coming....

12DPO: Well I'm feeling like a broken record, but I'm still having dreams, still waking up at 5am, still super thirsty and peeing a lot. Low back ache with random stabs of pain.


So I couldn't take it any longer. I went and bought tests late this morning. I did the pink first and the 2nd line showed up within 10 sec! I did the digital just because I wanted to. I cant believe this. 😭😭😭


16DPO: Today I’m officially “late” so I decided to take another test to see my progression (picture below). Happy to report that the line has gotten quite dark! The pregnant line is taking a lot of the color from the control line. ☺️

As for symptoms, I’m experiencing many of the same that had from 7-12DPO. I wake up at 5am every morning but am very tired during the day. I’m drink water constantly - 120 ounces yesterday! 😲 I have some cramping in my lower abdomen. My back aches. My bbs aren’t too bad yet, though sometimes I feel a deep ache. The mood swings are starting a bit as well.

Another interesting change is my resting heart rate. (I have a fitness monitor.) The baby was conceived on Oct 10th. You can see in the picture below that my resting heart rate started rising immediately after and even more drastically towards the end of the TWW.