My VBAC Baby ( sorry this is long)


So this was 3rd pregnancy my 1st was delivered vaginally at 35w2d, 2nd was an emergency c section at 39w2d and this time I was so determined for my VBAC. My DR. was so supportive and on board with our plan but I was also just as mentally prepared for another c section. So back track to Monday Oct 9th, I woke up at 5:30 am with some cramping, went to the bathroom and had lost my mucus plug. This made me so excited because with my 2nd my water broke 2 days after losing my plug. Well this time around I was crampy and continued to lose plug for 7 days, then on Sat Oct 14th not only did I lose some more plug,  I also had bloody show followed by some contractions that eventually stopped. Was scheduled to have my membranes swept on Wednesday October 18th because we were worried the closer I got to 40 weeks my chances of a successful VBAC would decrease (my 2nd was 9lb 2oz). Well Tuesday October 17th was a normal day. Im a stay at home mommy so I did my typical house stuff, snuggled my 3 year old, picked my daughter up from kindergarten and  headed to Target and Dance Class, by the time dinner and bedtime were done I was feeling lousey. Was having some loose jelly like small stools ( sorry tmi), and cramping, I bounced on my exercise ball for a while and laid down just not feeling well. I tried to get some sleep but just felt crappy then at 11:30pm I felt a small trickle in my underwear. I jumped up excited because my water had broken with baby 1&2 and I was so hoping I would get that lucky again. So once in the bathroom I sat down to empty bladder when I stood up to flush I noticed the water looked a tad green but chalked it up to being urine so still was unsure if water had indeed broke so I took off my t-shirt laid it on the toilet and sat. I pushed down and some more fluid came out but still wasn't convinved it wasn't pee. So I grabbed a clean pair of undies and threw on a pad and felt a slow leak. Waited a couple mins and checked pad and was shocked! I saw green fluid on the pad and I knew something wasn't right. Went in to wake up my husband, called my OB and my momma to come over to stay with other babies. At this point while moving around to get dressed and grab bags I was absolutely positive my water was broken but with the color I just knew it was full of meconium. Contractions were about every 3 mins on the hour drive to the hospital but they were tolerable. Go there at 1:00am and got checked in where nurse confirmed it was for sure meconium and that NICU would be present for delivery. This was it we were leaving this hospital  I was so nervous but yet so excited. When I was checked I was told I was only 70% effaced and only 2cm dilated,  I contracted for the next couple of hours about every 3 mins but was able to breath thru them then at 4:30am with zero progression we decided to start pitocin. At 7:00am my nurse came in to check my progress and my heart sank to hear I was still exactly the same 70% 2cm dilated. I opted to have my epideral now as they were continuing to up my pitocin and the pain was so intense. I was comfortable for maybe a hour when my nurse came in saying baby having distress and they were thinking with no fluid baby  might be on cord so I received an amnioinfushion to hopefully help.This is when they mentioned a c section might have to happen. It sucked to hear but keeping this baby safe eas more important than anything.  At 9:00 is when things took a crazy turn quickly. I was having alot of pain on my right side, my belly, my back and down into my leg. It was,so bad and it wasn't going away and on top of that I started to feel extremely ill. My nurse mentioned my contractions were non stop with zero breaks in between and I was contracting very hard and she suspected I was progressing at a rapid pace causing my epideral to not keep up and my body to experience what is called transitioning. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me more medicine into my epideral along with fentanyl trying to help but nothing seemed to work. Pain continued but at 10:00 it was time to check me again, this was such an important check depending on these results I would continue with my vbac or head to the O.R. My nurse assured me with the pain I was having and  the tranititioning I was experiencing that there  was no way I wasn't progressed but I still was so nervous, the nurses eyes got big and she told me I was 7cm dilated . It was working and at this rate I would get my VBAC. My nurse ran out to call my OB and the next hour flew by. Baby's heartrate was not looking great my nurse just knew this baby had the cord wrapped around it one way or the other. I flipped from one side to the other with my head in a bucket but at 11:00 my nurse checked again and I was complete, it was go time. My OB came in and we started immediately. I rememer taking my deep breath and pushing, deep breath push,  deep breath push I did this again and then needed my  bucket, my OB decided this baby needed out now with the way it's heartrate was dropping so she decided to use the vacuum. With my head in a bucket my OB used the vacum she told me she needed 1 more set of pushes from me so I took my deep breath and pushed this little miracle out. I will never forget looking down as she entered the world. My OB turned to my  husband and  said well dad "what is it?" I turned to my husband, he looked at the baby and then locked eyes with me and said "it's a girl". We both began to cry as they laid my precious babygirl on my chest. A girl...... Ellis Mae 6lbs 6oz 19 1/4 inches long born at 11:32am. Her older brother and sister are just as in love with her as mom and dad. Perfect addition to our family.

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