Is posting pictures of my pet eating controversial??


I hear all the time that posting pictures/videos of feeding snakes and other reptiles are disgusting/cruel/any other negative complaint. My question is it harmful to the internet community or anyone in general for any reason?

If you think it's controversial think about these facts:

At least in the U.K. Videos of live feeding are illegal to prevent people feeding live for entertainment

My snake will eat either way so why not give the prey item a second purpose in being used for education

Many keepers prefer to feed humanly euthanized prey unless they have a solid reason to feed live

It's the same premise as a picture of your dog/cat eating the animal proteins are just put into more visually pleasing chunks

We understand that many people keep rodents as pets and we even keep them too and love them to death so it's not to terrorize those owners

*Note: I know the mouse being fed now is not the proper size, an order mix up left me with smaller mice. You see him enjoying his second helping for this feeding and he is a younger snake so he is not underweight.

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