Better late than never...
My birth story
It all started 4:30 in the am Sept 29th when I woke up to small contractions (I thought they were Braxton Hicks at the time) I went to go use the restroom and went back to sleep. I woke up again at 6:30 to make breakfast and pack my our (hubby and I) lunches for work. I still felt “Braxton hicks” here and there nothing to crazy so I drove to work. 10 am hits and I start to feel them a little bit more intense, kinda like period cramps. They started getting a little more intense throughout the day. (I work as an M.A btw) my shift ended at 5pm contractions going strong, I managed to run an errand and then met up with my hubs for sushi. Kept me distracted enough to push through the contractions I was feeling. FASTFORWARD...9-10pm we got home I showered packed some bags and we watched a movie. This is when I really started to feel the contractions coming in like waves but I still managed to breath through them. I let my hubs sleep for a bit. Durning that time I jumped in the shower and took a hot bath practiced my breathing. Idk how long I was in there for but that definitely worked.
Sept 30th 1:30am hit and I officially called quits and woke my hubby up because I knew it was almost time. We got to the hospital at 1:45. They admitted me ten mins later. This is when everything started to go by fast. The nurse checked me I was at a four (she seemed super surprised) contractions kept getting closer and closer I almost asked for an epidural! But thank god I was blessed with an amazing man! (He kept telling me “you can do this” “breath through the contractions” he was even doing breathing techniques with me! The nurses let him do all the coaching! )About 2 hours later the nurse decided to check me and I was at a six. She rushed out and a few mins later a group of nurse rush in and start to get everything ready. 4 am came and I let one of the nurses know that I was feeling a lot of pressure kinda like I needed to poop right at the moment I felt no contractions just the urge to push. She looked at me like maybe it was to soon but checked me anyway. She then asked for a second opinion the second nurse checked and she looked surprised. She said she felt the water sac bulging and right when she said that it broke, she took her hand out to let the water out. As soon as she saw it stopped she checked again all she said was “she’s at a plus two get the dr here” two of the nurses closed my legs and told me not to push yet because the dr wasn’t here yet these 15 mins seemed like forever. But once I saw him com in lol I remember turning my self over to get in position. A few pushes later 4:32 came an so did our beautiful Gwen AJ Gonzalez 🌼 our first born 6pounds 7ounces 19 inches long. At 39 weeks all natural.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.