Hate not knowing whats going on

So I never thought I would post a tmi post. I always thought they were absolutely ridiculous. Like don't show us, go to the dr. But now I understand, you can't always go to the dr at the drop of a dime and the issue keeps running through your mind so you have to ask someone to have some kind of idea of what's going on with your body till you can see the dr. Sooo I had my baby 8 weeks ago, normal vaginal delivery with a very small tear. So small it didn't need a stitch but since it was an internal tear she stitched me just to be in the safe side. I tried having sex at 6 weeks pp and it hurt so bad when he tried to enter. Once he got in it was fine but entering was hell. At 7 weeks I had my pp check up and I told my ob I thought I had bv and she prescribed me with a gel to clear it up and heather birth control pill. When she did the internal check she didn't say anything was wrong. But since I've started the gel and birth control pills I've been having like a rusty colored substance come out of my vagina. But today I had this come out. I've been cramping and felt a whole bunch of pressure so I went to the bathroom and this came out. Has this happened to anyone? Idek what to type in the google search bar to try to figure out what it is. Help