Vent from a friend


Copied from a friend's page which she got from a closed group:

“I’m a pediatric RN. I’ve been a nurse going on 6 years. I spent most of my career in surgical and started in medical peds last year. It has been so eye opening bc I never dealt in the surgical area, with what I see now.

I have been watching and observing. I’ve seen some very chronically SICK kids, from eczema, allergies, RSV, asthma to behavioral problems, autism, adhd, seizures, and unresponsive events in babies,

And I’m still waiting.

I’m waiting to find a chronically sick child that has not been heavily/fully vaccinated.

They are ALL vaccinated.

So where are these so called unvaxxed children we are told are such a threat to the community!?

I can tell you one thing is for sure...they are NOT in the hospitals.

Thank you to the parents whose eyes and minds are open. Your fight may be riduculed by most, but you know you are proactively protecting your childrens health and immune systems, and I hope one day more will open their eyes!!!

The evidence is everywhere."

So, yeah, tell me, where ARE all those festering cesspools of vaccine available diseases, not vaccinated kids? All those deceased due to lack of vaccines kids, and adults for that matter? Where are those massive, deadly outbreaks among the not vaccinated? Where? WHERE? MSM would be screaming from the rooftops.

And RFK Jr can't get a piece published because there was no one from the "other side" willing to write something refuting his piece?!? Yet the "other side" gets published daily regardless of someone having a piece to refute what they're saying?!? Yeah, okay, nothing to see here folks.

The TRUTH has no side. You are welcome to wake up at any time.




