Healing Home water birth with birth photography


My first birth was somewhat traumatic. Long story short: I was in labor for 3 days, was given fentanyl (I'm a former heroin addict) which resulted in cravings for the next 6 months of my new parenting journey, was able to finally give birth vaginally to a baby boy with a 99 percentile head, had a second degree tear that got infected, and I almost slipped back down the rabbit hole and left my husband and newborn for heroin.

So when I found out we were expecting again I opted for a homebirth so as to avoid any pain medications that might put my sobriety at risk. Contractions started around 3:30pm but didn't start getting intense until around 6pm. I called my midwife, doula and birth photographer. They got there and started setting up the birth tub and my doula got the Elle tens unit hooked up and placed on my back. I started on the birth ball rolling my hips. The contractions were intense but still tolerable. I got up to use the restroom around 7:30 and had a hard time peeing due to all the pressure so I spent a few minutes sitting there which ramped up the contractions. I came back and labored on my hands and knees with my head resting on the ball for awhile as my midwife filled the tub. I got in the tub around 8:45, and ooooh man, the warm water was beyond soothing. I still felt my contractions but it certainly took the edge off. My husband and doula held my hands as my contractions picked up and started piggy backing. My body started pushing on its own, I felt my back arch and my body bear down. My midwife told me to feel and see where the head was, it still felt high and I was afraid we'd be at this for much longer but within a few contractions I was crowning. That was the most painful part, it seemed like I was stuck there. For awhile when in actuality it was probably only a matter of moments. I flipped over to my knees and pushed the head out. My midwife had to help guide the shoulders out and then my husband put the baby on my chest. Born at 10pm on the dot. I stayed in the tub until I had birthed the placenta, and then we transferred to my bed. We nursed there while baby was still attached to the placenta, then cut the cord and the midwife did the exam. They cleaned up everything and left by 1:30. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to give birth in my own home. No middle of the night blood pressure checks or blood draws, my own clothes, bed, bathroom, etc! The midwife was awesome, pretty hands off, just let me labor how I needed to and let my body decide when it was ready to push, no counting to ten or telling me not to push yet. If I have any more kids I will 100% be giving birth at home. This birth was so easy to recover from, I felt great by day 4 despite a small tear and a few stitches. This birth was so healing for me, I'm so blessed to have been able to experience it.