Our baby girl!!!

Azral • 💟 Brielle-January 29, 2018. (6lb 9.8oz 18in)

After waiting for what seem like forever to find out the sex of our baby we finally got that chance at 24 weeks... She's had a huge personality since we saw her at our first ultrasound at 9 weeks... We also learned yesterday that she hates taking pictures and is stubborn....lol...Our doctor tried to get one simple profile picture but our precious Brielle refused to let this happen... She decided to turn her head and face us as the doctor snapped her photo... And it took our doctor 45 minutes to find the sex out because she kept her legs crossed and the umbilical cord between her legs... Needless to say we're going to have something on our hands when and after she makes her arrival in February... And we can't wait to meet her!!!