Pregnant with IUD

A week ago today I found out I was 2 months pregnant....

The issue was I had Paraguard, the copper IUD. In addition, a month ago I had a negative pregnancy blood test.

But somehow I was 2 months pregnant.

I have always been so responsible with birth control. I have never ever taken a risk. I put my faith into Paraguard and I became one of the .08% of women who got pregnant with the IUD.

I decided to end the pregnancy. I was angry that I had to make a decision I tired so hard to avoid.

But it was one thing after another. My IUD has been sucked higher in my uterus and could not be seen. This meant I couldn’t have a medical abortion like I wanted. I had to have the surgical procedure. Please comment any specific questions you have and I’d be happy to answer.

Wednesday I went into planned parenthood and had the procedure done. It was painful but bearable. The staff were amazing. Very warm, comforting and made the best out of a bad thing.

It has been the hardest week of my life.

I wanted to share so women know, it CAN happen to them.

Also, I want to add I am the 4th woman at my OBGYN that go pregnant on Paraguard. Could be a faulty batch?