Meet Autumn 🍂 after 17 hours of labor I needed a c-section...


So on 10/23 I had a Dr appt at 40+2 and after a cervical check I was still closed, baby was high and measuring close to my induction was booked for Sunday 10/29.

That night I woke up at 2am with contractions and by 7am when I got to the hospital they were 4 min apart. Saw my Dr at 9am and was only 1cm dilated. Bc I was overdue we decided to break my water and start Pitocin. I made it to 3cm by 12pm and 4cm by 3pm but by 7pm I had not progressed past 4cm and baby was still very high. At this point I had been in labor for 17 hours and decided to go with my doctors recommendation to c-section. She guessed the baby was about 9.4 ounces and did not think she was going to descend down the birth canal due to her size. The surgery was very tough for me, I was trembling uncontrollably and threw up 6 times 😷

In the end my baby girl was born at 7:38pm at 9 lbs and 21 inches long. Thank god we decided to cesarian bc the umbilical cord was wrapped around her like a seat belt aka she would have never made it down far enough for me to push and get her out...

It was a VERY rough day but the best one in my entire life!! I’m so in love with her and still can’t believe she’s mine 😍

Meet Autumn Dale 🍂