Pregnant and taking antidepressants?

Sarah • | Mommy to Eliana Elise 6/28 | Step mom | Married to the love of my Life | Cosmetologist | Scentsy Consultant |

hey everyone, i recently just found out on thursday that im Pregnant and i should be about 5 weeks along. and im so excited. i was able to get a doctor appointment this monday! one important thing i need to bring up is my anti depressants im using and whether or not i should keep taking them. about a month ago i switched my anti depressants i was using cause i felt like the ones before were only catering to my racing thoughts of anxiety and not my depression. ive struggled with depression since i was 15. anf its been 1.5 yrs now that ive been trying medication. ive feel significant improvement with what im using now but im anxious if i need to stop using them due to pregnancy, that my panic attacks will come back and i get terrible anxiety. im taking 10mg of prozac twice a day. could i maybe get some insight? if you struggle with depression and use, meds how did you go about it when you got pregnant? what what was it like for you?