Boyfriend rude about food.

So I’m 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I am constantly feeling hungry, I absolutely hate it 😡 anyways, yesterday my boyfriend and I went to a Mexican restaurant place and got breakfast burritos. And let me tell you, these burritos are huge! Ive never been able to finish them but last night I did. Granted I had only eaten one thing all day. It was late and so my bf and I laid in bed to go to sleep and I started feeling nauseous because I just ate the whole thing! When I mentioned I felt sick he asked why and I said I think it’s cause I ate the whole burrito. He instantly said “holy shit babe, that’s a lot of food. That’s gross!” But what doesn’t make sense is that after he ate his whole burrito he had a bunch of Doritos, starbursts, and kit Kats! But he makes me feel bad about eating a burrito. Also the other day he mentioned that I eat too much for being a girl. Like I don’t even eat that much wtf. I’m starting to feel like I can’t eat in front of him anymore and he just makes me feel so gross. Is it normal for guys to do this?