TTTC after ectopic, how long to wait before announcing


Hi everyone,

So in May of this year my husband and I found out I was pregnant. My first pregnancy. We were elated! We were so excited we couldn’t hold it in. That same day we told his family. That weekend we told mine. Two weeks later I found out I had a pregnancy of unknown location. Long story short it ended up being ectopic and I needed to get the methotrexate shot. It’s been a long hard journey but we are once again trying. I’m hoping this months fertile window was the one. I’d love to get that BFP next month and be able to give everyone a Christmas surprise announcement. It was so difficult to have told people the first time to then have to tell them that we lost it. I don’t think I can go through it again. That being said. How long did you wait until announcing after your first pregnancy loss?

Wishing luck and lots of baby dust to all of you ladies!!