Sometimes miracles take a little time 🌈


My husband and I prayed for 608 days. For 608 days we tried for our rainbow baby. We tried for 1 year and 8 months.

Month after month of negative pregnancy tests were testing my faith and hope.

Did two rounds of Femera that failed, my faith and hope were tested yet again. My husband, my rock stayed positive this whole time telling me "we can try again next time, we will get our chance."

This cycle I was put on Clomid, oh boy that little pill made me very moody, had me in pain more than Femara, just had really bad side effects, but that little pill also got me my positive test!

I am crying as I am writing this I still can't believe it!! This is my rainbow baby! Still in disbelieve I keep on looking at the test, holding it with a big smile and tears in my eyes.

I can't wait to go back home and tell my husband the news!!! at my parents at the moment I am here visiting them since they live in a different state. ( Have not told my parents yet, waiting to tell my husband first, but I just want to shout it to the world! 😂

I can't believe I am going to be a mommy!!! ☺️ best news to wake up to.

I am not sure how far along I am since at times it is hard for me to tell when I ovulate, but excited to find out soon!

Symptoms: dizzy so far, cramps in my uterus, and I was craving chips and ice cream yesterday.

So excited, happy, to start this journey! Hoping this little peanut sticks! Prayers appreciated ladies! ☺️

Do not lose Hope and Faith ladies, it will happen, it can happen :) Keep on trying, keep on praying, your little miracle will come true.

Now to plan how to tell my husband. He is a Chiefs fan I was thinking of getting a little Chiefs onesies and adding a test with it in a box :)

Any other ideas on how to announce?

Any ideas for grandparents to be ladies? And for my sister & brother?

Thank You! :)

Saw this poem thinking on adding it to the box along with the onesies, and test :)