Here’s my story ...

I found out I was pregnant Feb 25th. March 7th I found out I was going to miscarry. I never fully lost my pregnancy hormones until the end of April. In may I found out I had call chlamydia from my boyfriend. We never knew he had it. When I was pregnant I was tested for it but my dr only tested for it in my urine so it didn’t show with my first pregnancy 😒. November 9th was my due date. I found out I was pregnant again October 28th and don’t know if I should be happy or scared. I was so happy to find out I was expecting before my due date. Being I knew my due date was coming up and I was going to be emotional. My fiancé is in the army and he’s in South Korea for a year. Being pregnant really made me happy. Never give up ladies. I started taking prenatals and I never did opks. I basically just checked my discharge to determine. We have sex everyday he was home. Which was a few days before I had ovulated. Everyday in fertile window and after.