I got awaken out my sleep with a pain

I got awaken out my sleep with a pain... enough to make me moan... but I was thinkin this happened before... until i kept having to get on the toilet to feel comfortable and realized that it was every 5 mins... After 3 contractions, I woke my Fiance up and told him... As I got back on the toilet and keep moanin every 2 mins now he said lets go... I figured it was time... this bein my second one.. was 8cm and I wanted epidural bad... i was whining and makin loud noises.. they then said i may not be able to get epidural because I reached 9cm in 20mins. and I could not stay still... Check me again I was 10cm I was hollering from 8-10 cm and screamin soo bad the whole floor could hear me.. Also i scared my 1 year old... I gave birth with no epidural because she was comin so fast.. It was like staring death in the face. I thought I was going to die... Lastly, after she came the pain left immediately... i could cry now because I still can reflect on the pain so well