do you still care about your husband?

Warning that this is a rant! I've been with my husband for 5 years, 4 1/2 dating and 3 months married and living together for all but 8 months of that. My sister has been with her husband 5 1/2 years, 6 months dating and 5 years married. I love my sister, but she got married because she was pregnant and this man had money. That's her business not mine.. BUT she's constantly making little remarks that I'll "stop loving him" "you'll be with him so long you won't care if he's around or not" "you'll get like me and just leave your husband at home" it makes me beyond angry, I mean like.. I'm sorry YOU don't love your husband but I happen to love mine very much, we're newlyweds.. if we want to spend time together we will! If we're not tired of each other yet I highly doubt 6 more months will make a difference. Yesterday she wanted me to walk through town to trick or treat with her kids and her. I told her no because my husband was on his way over ( we was at my moms) from work and I hadn't seen him since 4:30 that morning and she got upset and went outside and started talking about me and saying I just don't know anything and I'll get out of this stage. she's even got my mom who is happliy married started and I hate it! We ended up leaving early yesterday because I was so upset and my husband was sick anyways. My mom and sister are going on an overnight trip this weekend and want me to go but I don't want to.. I LIKE waking up next to my husband. I don't have fun without him, he loves spending time with me and I with him. my mom has now started and saying my husband will be fine one night and blah blah blah. It just makes me angry, that's like telling a pregnant woman you'll never get anymore sleep for that crying baby and you better spend time with your husband now because there's no time after the bay comes... LIKE stay out of other people's lifes. live yours. I'm sorry your baby was an awful newborn, you don't know how mine will be. I'm sorry you married for money, I married for love!!! *Edit to add-- I do things without him but I would much rather be with him. if I went on the overnight trip I would honestly be miserable thinking about him and wishing he was there. I go spend time with my mom everyday while he's at work and enjoy myself but if I had the choice I'd much rather be with my love. My sister has always tried to be better than me all her life. What she has is ALWAYS better than what anyone else has. she brags often that her husband makes so much money, where my husband makes about half of what he makes. The difference there is I get to spend time with my husband and help our relationship grow, and she sees hers for maybe 3 hours a day. Since she's become a mom first (were waiting for a year) she's the best mom, she will always out mom me. I don't know anything about babies.. YET. Just like she didn't. I was eating one day and her baby who couldn't walk wanted some and I wasn't going to give her any just because..what do I know babies don't eat food yet..right? Wrong. She goes on to tell me I'm going to starve my kids because I'm gonna try giving them milk only as toddlers. Her baby was 13 months at the time. How should I know when they start eating?! she had lots of asking questions when she first got pregnant.Ugh. Talking to me this way sure won't make me wanna spend time sith you.