Supposed rape and CPS involved with my kids

This might be long and confusing I’m just ranting

And might not be right group

My boyfriends sister got in trouble for having sex in the bathroom with guys and some other stuff, she’s been cutting herself and acting out and her mom made her talk to the school councelor

She told the councelor that when she was 7 and My boyfriend was 12 that he raped her.

she never acted weird around him or said anything until she got in trouble

My boyfriends mom and I do not believe her because we know my boyfriend wouldn’t do that

He’s never done anything bad (no drugs, doesn’t drink, always got straight As, hard worker, great dad)

And she told her school I was underage when I got pregnant with My son (I was 17 he was 18) and CPS are going to get involved and question me, I’m pregnant with our second child and it’s a girl

My boyfriends sister told the school her moms suicidal and will kill herself

She has never acted weird around my boyfriend before and hangs out with us in our room all the time

And she told the school she doesn’t want to be taken out of the house because they asked her if she was in danger and she said no she feels safe at the house

I don’t know what to do or believe