Father Troubles (My Nightmare!)

So last year, day after Christmas to be exact...my dad told my mom that he had another woman he was talking to. My parents have been married for 30 years and he just drops that. Fine. Then my mom starts seeing their retirement savings drop. She asked him about it and he said he was partaking in a business investment plan for this company this other woman invented. I asked where she lived and he said New Jersey. My dad is a 58 year old heavy set man who doesn't wear deodorant or feel it's necessary to clean his head because he's bald. We began to see money gram receipts all over his office going to Ghana. He then gave them the password and username to his bank and my parents got wiped out. I don't live with them so I didn't find this out til later. He has had 5 strokes in the past five years and refuses to go to the doctor after he's done being in the hospital after each stroke. He's gotten so bitter and says "I'm a burden, you just want me to go to the doctor so they'll get rid of me!" He ended uo hitting my mom one night and my brother called the cops. I was at work when this happened. He spent three days in jail. We tried reasoning with him and asking that he see a neurologist psych like the hospital recommened. When he got out, we begged him to go to the doctor but he refuses. He recently lost his job due to looking at naked women online at work so he got a new job in another state 1400 miles away and told my mom to stay behind. He said he had savings of 30k and paid off the house in full and left. He is also on probation here in our state and is set to be at an appt with his p.o. on Friday. Right before I got a call from him asking for money for a plane ticket, my mom told me she received a statement showing he took out their 401k and stock fund (which is normal due to him losing his job but he was supposed to transfer it to his new job) but he cashed it out. She said when she asked what happened to that money he said he sent it to 16 women indivually. So I told him to get his own plane ticket. It was 200k from his 401k and he spent it all on these random girls. He still hasn't met this women because they live in different countries.... Now I feel bad because he could be facing time due to not telling his p.o. that he left. I'm just soo...over it!