Single mom "Rant"

people tell me all the time "you put yourself in that position, if he wanted an abortion and you said no then it's your fault you're going through this", let's just say I'm 17 years old and a FTM, abortion is against my religion & I've got no support system my baby is 2 months old and spent a while in the NICU, I have been doing everything by myself since when I found out I was pregnant cause my ex decided to bail out on us. Ive had to go days without eating while I was pregnant, ive had to sleep on floors and behind restuarants, ive had to walk 4 hours back and forth every week to my doctors appointments due to a high risk pregnancy, and Ive been looked down at for much too long. Well this 17 year old graduated a year and a half early at 16, I work full time, Rent out a bedroom for my son and I (we were going place to place for a little after he was released from the nicu) I'm in school to be an OBGYN (an excellent one at that😘), and my son wants for nothing in the world, we might not have our own place at the moment but I've rented out a room for us, and I'm working on getting us our own space by the time I'm 18 in 4 months he never goes without diapers, wipes, food or any other necessity because I work my ass off for him. don't get me wrong, it sucks not ever being able to get my toes done or my eyebrows all for the cost of $30, but I don't care id give all that up for my son, he's my motivation and hopefully one day, I'll be able to get married and come across a guy who'll help us out, but until then. I think I'm doing okay for a single mom