selfish sister


My sister gave birth to her baby boy this May 💙 She had a difficult pregnancy, it was unplanned and she had some issues with her SO, so she didn't have a lot of support. She was also nauseous and vomiting a lot throughout her pregnancy. I felt like I supported her the best I could, was always available to talk and checking in with her, not judgemental, etc...... I'm 19 +3 and have been bleeding every day of my pregnancy and diagnosed with placenta previa. Talking to my sister about my pregnancy she keeps saying things like "well, it doesn't sound too bad. It'll be what it will be"...."well thank God you're not sick every day, it's just awful" or when I am nauseous she says "oh that's the worst!!!!" and I tell her it wasn't actually all that bad she gets offended and says "so what I'm just a big wuss?" .... I'm frustrated and have just avoided talking about my concerns with her. I realize that placenta previa in 2nd trimester usually resolves itself and doesn't lead to any problems, but bleeding every day is obviously concerning, and the possibility of preterm labour or an early csection is worrying. I don't want to compare our pregnancies, they're completely different and have their own struggles. I can't pretend to know what hers was like and I don't want her to downplay my concerns because she struggled with her own. I feel like I deserve empathy and a safe place for support from her but I'm just not getting it. I've tried to talk to her but it didn't change anything. I have other people to talk to but it just feels weird saying "oh everything is great!" when she asks how things are. It feels good to vent about this, thanks for listening/reading if you've gotten this far Haha! Any suggestions?