My birth story

Jessica • Baby girl born 11/2/17

My baby girl who was due on Halloween became a November baby!

It all started when I was induced at 9:30 pm Halloween night. I ended up having to get the cervadil put into my VG for 12 hours.

Then they started pitocin a hour later so I could take a shower and drink something.

Before pitocin could start my water broke on its own being at 2.5cm!

I got epidural which took 40 minutes to get put in.

Anyways fast forward to about 5 hours later at 7:30 I was at 6cm and -1 station.

My epidural started to give out and I was having the worst back labor pain . I couldn’t get comfortable at all.

At that point my contractions were 1.5-3 minutes apart.

So they gave me Bolus (pain med) which literally made me feel like I was on fire.

I was able to take a nap for about an hour until they needed to flip me to my left and then came back the back labor pains and my bolus was quickly fading away. And because of that, my contractions became on top of each other. So then my nurse turned down my pitocin from 13 to 7. I ended up getting another bolus because my epidural wasn’t doing shit. The lady that was giving me the bolus saw that my epidural still had 2 buttons left I could push to use it. I was never told I had a remote to hit a button for my epidural and my nurse was like “oh I didn’t know either.” So I hit the epidural as well along with the bolus. I ended up taking another hour nap and I could feel my contractions in my back again. So my nurse than turned off my pitocin and decided to let my body go natural for a while. I ended up falling asleep for a little bit but woke up to more pain because my nurse turned the pitocin back on while I was asleep. She then checked my cervix and I was at 8cm around 11:30 pm. Got flipped again to my left and the back labor pain started again. I couldn’t do the pain so I got another bolus and hit epidural and asked to flip back to my right side where I could get comfortable without back pains. I had to tough it out for 40 minutes on my left.

Ended up going from left , to right and back to my left . Got checked and my body had went to 5cm and baby had pooped in the womb. My body got so distress because of having to be on my left more than my right.

So my Dr had to give me a Csection and i was ready to go.

Ended up having my baby girl on 11/2/17 @3:18 am.

And the thing that hurts worse about csection is that after it was over and I was in recovery, my same nurse from L&D; kept pushing on my stomach to push blood out of me. She did it every 15 minutes and it hurt like hell.

All is good now, I am in my room with baby girl beside me.