

So a little backstory. My boyfriend and I have been together just shy of a year, he’s five years younger than me and grew up a Jehovah’s Witness so holidays are lost on him. We were also friends for 4 years prior to beginning our relationships.


I forgot to mention that while he grew up a Jehovah’s Witness he hasn’t practiced in over 7 years and we have had a couple conversation previously about how this time of year is important to me.

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They are not lost on me.

I have two kids from a previous relationship, a large family (eldest of five) and the holiday season is very important to us. It’s very important to me. This is my favorite time of year because of all the good memories I have as a child and I’m trying to recreate those with my children. This will also be our first holiday season that we’re officially together. When Thanksgiving was first brought up in our groups of friends he mentioned staying home with his roommates and I got a little hurt because I assumed that he would want to spend the day with me since his family doesn’t do anything. I realized later I hadn’t actually asked him to come. So last night I let him know that I would really like it if he came. He told me he was still deciding.

I almost blew a gasket.

I checked myself, knowing I get moody this time of the month and told him goodnight. I know this is a busy time of year for him, it is for me too. We both work retail and have crazy over time this time of year, but I want to spend the holidays with him, I don’t understand why he doesn’t seem to want to do this for me. How unreasonable am I being expecting him to want to spend a day that is important to me with me?

—Edit 2–

I definitely appreciate everyone’s feedback, it’s good for me to see things from other’s perspectives because that is something I can struggle with.

I did realize that the main problem I’m having is that he has celebrated Thanksgiving in the past. My friend throws a big one every other year and he has participated in those as well as with one of his exes who he was in a serious relationship with. I think that’s where I am getting frustrated because it feels like he doesn’t want to spend it with me, not that he just doesn’t want to celebrate it.

I would also not ask him to celebrate Christmas because I know that’s a bigger deal in his mind but he does observe some holidays now (I.e Halloween).

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