Ok so I made this post earlier....

“Hey ladies I just needed someone to vent to. My husband and I (20 and 21) separated for nine months with intentions on getting a divorce but now we are trying to repair things because we feel like it was unfinished. While we were divorced we both did things and talked to other people but since we’ve been back together we haven’t been focusing on anyone but eachother.

However there is this girl I went to school with that he had sex with and the girl still calls and texts him. He doesn’t reply back or anything but it still gets to me because she is so comfortable still trying to contact him while we are back together. We’ve went public with our relationship and she is the only one not getting the picture. I asked him if he could tell her to back off because we has his lady back since she isn’t respecting the fact we are back together and he said he was just going to block her because they were friends and he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. She’s even made a post on social media saying “I always lose good friends because of insecure girlfriends.” Now am I overreacting or what?? Ladies I need advice.”

We had that talk last night. This morning I texted and didn’t get a text back so I thought I was blocked. I then had my friend text him from a fake number acting like a girl he talked to while we weren’t together just to see if I was blocked and this was the convo....

Now he feels like I find reasons to get mad but who wouldn’t get mad at this? If he has no problem texting this number back after she told him she missed him and even brought up the fact he had a girl and he still texted after that he would have no problem texting any other girl back, right?