Should I take my ex to court over money?


I am 24, pregnant with my first child and my SO and I are trying to buy our first house. The problem is that I believe my ex-boyfriend is pulling me back and I dont know what to do.

My ex and I were together for five years. We had an apartment together, a cat, a life but no love. He was always very financially irresponsible, blew his money on video games and we slowly sunk into debt. When we ended the relationship and moved on, I paid what I owed to the landlord (joint lease) and went on. He never paid his part he owed, and it took a hit to both of our credit scores. Because of this, my score is now a 529 with a landlord mark on it, I'll probably never get a house now. 😟

He took all of his things off of my bank account besides his Paypal, because he claims it wont let him. This month, he has 'accidentally' charged 80.00 worth of items to my bank account and I accrued 100.00 worth of overdraft fees because of it. I confronted him and he agreed to only give me the 90.00, but of course not this week because he doesnt have it.

I am not money hungry. I am not sue-happy but he is really causing me to struggle financially and it's not fair at all. I would be sympathetic, but he makes almost twenty dollars an hour, lives with his friend with minimal rent and only has one car payment, and even then has managed to get it repoed. We are civil and he apologized but I still haven't seen any of the money. As for my landlord, he has no intent of paying his part any time soon, so if I want it off of my credit I will have to pay it myself.

Is it too much to finally have enough and take him to court? I don't like all of the drama, especially because we are still on good speaking terms due to prior bills and me checking up on my cat, but what else can I do? When is enough finally enough?