In a bad place


Feel down and low. Problems after problems with partner. Current one about porn then he blames me saying he needs more sex I’m sorry so me constantly initiating and sometimes having sex twice three times a day is not good enough? Then I find evidence lol of him doing it again even though he said he wouldn’t and also lying to me in messages saying he defo hasn’t and if I carry on he swears to god?!?! What I don’t know

Tonight my three children from previous relationship came back from their dads and he went berserk in the car pulled handbrake up in traffic after acting as though he was going to lunge car forward into oncoming traffic called me a cunt slammed car door and went

Then came home and threatened to leave

I don’t get why I’m still with him I have no strength

I been texting mates to see if wanna do exercise classes with me to help me feel better about me and lose weight etc as we have a 15 week old baby 😧