Holiday Plans Make Us Fight


Does anyone else have this problem?? I love my husband because he values the same thing I do - family above all. However, during the holidays, this is a curse. Every year my husband and I are invited to too many Thanksgivings and WAY TOO MANY Family Christmas's. We come from divorced families so it's very hard to see everyone. We argue like mad dogs to get to see "our own" family and end up spending every holiday on the road constantly driving to everyone to make it "fair" for both families. It turns into tears every year. How do you and yours find ways to make time for both families? Do you do every other? How did you decide?? All of our family is located in the same area so it's hard to say "we're only traveling to one of you this year, " when the other family is just a few miles away. 😓😫😢