Opinions PLEASE!!!

My BF has recently asked me over and over to tell him about an ex of mine. So I did. My ex and I haven’t been together for over a year. Anyways, now his concern is that I still have feelings for my ex because I didn’t say anything bad about him. He keeps wanting me to bash my ex and truthfully I can’t. While I did have feelings for my ex, they weren’t the deep-seeded kind that leads to a long loving relationship.

So now my bf is telling me about his exes and he can bash every single one of them. This one is psycho and did A B C and D. This one is a bitch. This one is a whore. On and on and on. Trust me much worse things have been said and when he says those things it’s in ANGER.

I really don’t think I am but am I in the wrong for not wanting to bash my ex? I don’t see the point. Yes I’ve been hurt but even immediately after the break up I didn’t bash him. It was what it was. He cheated repeatedly and I left. I got over him and that’s it.

What gives? Someone please give me another angle to look at this with because I can’t wrap my head around it. AND it’s really concerning to me that he bashes his exes so easily. Doesn’t that indicate he’s still holding on to the hurt they caused him? HELP!!!