Sucking but not swallowing


I'm so discouraged. I just went to the lactation specialist and when we weighed my LO he was back to his birth weight; great right? Not so great bc he was supposed to be his birth weight 10 days postpartum, and he is 28 days old today :(!!!

He is latching on but he is def not taking in enough milk from my breast, only .5 oz per breast at 15 min each breast. It's definitely not that I'm not producing because when I pump I get a lot of milk!

I feel like I'm failing at breast feeding! I wish people spoke more about how hard breastfeeding is out in the open then being pregnant or giving birth! I feel like breastfeeding is the hardest thing I women has to do!

Now I have to breast feed, then supplement with any breast milk I pumped before (which is not more then 3 oz) and if he is not full then I have to supplement even more with formula.

Has anyone ever had this problem before???