Why does this annoy me so much?


Last night, I just found out that one of my friend is pregnant (I should say acquaintance since my husband is friends with her husband so we only see each other for group outings). They just got married in July this year and have likely been TTC since then. I immediately went in for a hug while saying "Congratulations! I'm happy for you!" Then asked, "When are you due?" And, here my friends is the part that annoys me... She says "Very early July."

I literally dont know what my face was like and I may have said, "so you're early yet." But you guys.... This. Girl. Is. Only. 5-6 Weeks. Pregnant. And she told about 12 of us at the same time. Like, why?

It seems she may have told him around Halloween this week so I'm over here wondering if she even took a blood test yet. I want so bad to ask, "How are your Hcg levels looking so far?" But that's inappropriate and none of my business. As a woman who went through a miscarriage earlier this year (and they know that), I just feel that it's a big "No-No" to tell all of your friends that you're pregnant so early on! I get you're excited, but so much of me wanted to scream, "Did you not learn from our experience?!"

I know, I know... It's not about me and everyone is different, blah blah blah. I just don't think it was a good decision. And obviously, I cried the whole way home wondering when it will be my turn. But still. Anyone with me on this? Similar experiences? Ugh!!