My sick baby girl


We’ve had some problems with my daughter’s stomach on and off her whole life. Wednesday, she threw up as soon as she woke up, had two diapers of diarrhea that day, and threw up again before bed. She stayed hydrated, though, and seemed to be doing better by bedtime last night (she’s still been cranky, but she just broke a tooth and has two more well on the way). She hadn’t thrown up all day, and she didn’t have a bowel movement, but every other day is normal for her, and she ate fine. This morning, she threw up her milk from last night, but it didn’t look like she lost any of her dinner from last night with it. I am worried about her. Is this normal for a 15 month old with a stomach virus? I have wondered if she has a food allergy, or maybe reflux? It wasn’t reflux on Wednesday, but I am not sure what to think. She also hasn’t run a fever any of this time. Thoughts?