Ok so he's here and here is how...


I went to doctors at 9:50am 11/2 I was 3cm but only 50% effaced. I was passed 38 wks and this is my 5th baby 6th pregnancy. I was having what they called pardormal labor where a couple times in last few weeks I had gotten contraction 5mins apart or less but after half hour to 45 mins they die off or spread out to 20+ mins apart. Well they set induction for Monday 6th at tan and I didn't want pitocin I only had it with my second and it was awful. well I went home and did more research and over the last few weeks I had tried everything except castor oil to kick my body to the next step of labor. so I decided I would try castor oil because I have other kids and I could not even care for them or be a present mother while in this state. so at 5pm I made a milkshake 2tbsp castor oil not a drop more lol with mint chocolate chip ice cream and milk with some chocolate syrup anything to cover the taste of castor oil. I blended very well in blender. I drank it as fast as I could at 5:15pm. the after taste of straight castor oil was horrible. I waited and waited by 7:15pm I thought nothing is happening this is stupid. no more contractions then I had been having they were not stronger and no side effects i.e. diarrhea or vomiting nothing. so at 7:30 I go to lay down because I'm exhausted my grandma had decided come to help clean up and put kids to bed as I was exhausted. I laid down and felt two contractions and then a big shift from baby and what felt like the cracking of your knuckles but in my belly this was 8:15. at same time I feel a little wet. i was like seriously I just peed myself. then had another contraction and more wet feeling. got up went to bathroom I changed pad and when I stood up more wet feeling. I told my grandma to drive me to hospital. I love 10-14 mins from hospital by time we get there my contractions were 2 mins apart. I was 5cm. I sat straight up in bed with feet in butterfly position for little while rocking my hips which helped. then my foot went to sleep. so I chose to sit on birthing ball when I did baby twisted face up and my back was killing me. I asked to move she said lay on side with peanut ball between legs for 15 mins on one side then flip it will help get baby to turn. I laid for barely 15 mins and asked to move she checked me 7cm. I asked for pain meds through if she said ok I will get it but it will only be half dose. I said ok and they asked if I wanted other side or hands and knees. I went with hands and knees I had two very strong contractions. I felt tons of pressure like I was close to pushing. they flipped me checked me I was 8cm. nurse said ok I have your pain med got ready to put it in iv and I stopped her I was having a contraction but my body was trying to push. they got my midwife who was basically waiting not moving because she was afraid to miss birth. She walked in they said to relax legs out she put a pad on bed and the nurse moved my leg cause I was concentrating on breathing and not pushing cause they told me not yet. when my contraction got strong he slid out I didn't even push. he was born on 11/2 @ 11:20pm 6lbs 5oz 20in long. no medicine and the castor oil never gave me diarrhea. but I'm happy no meconium my fluid was clear and baby is amazing.