Question about mucus plug



I’m not pregnant, but my best friend is. With her first child.. I have been trying to figure out what’s going on. Because this is her first, and I’ve never had a child... so ok. Tuesday she got cervadil, then 12 hours later she got Pitocin. She dilated a little bit but then by Thursday, she was sent home to go into natural labor to avoid a c section. Today (Friday), she lost her mucus plug this morning around 10am.

Can anyone tell me how long it was with your first pregnancy between losing the mucus plug to going into active labor?

Thanks ladies!

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It depends I lost my mucus plug early but my son was still over due losing it doesn’t really say much because it regenerates itself.


Ja • Nov 4, 2017
Yep sounds just like me lol I wouldn’t dilate or anything even after they induced me after 15 hours I was only at at 1 1/2 so they took me.


Em • Nov 3, 2017
Oh wow! That’s ....crazy! She’s due today so I don’t have a clue she hasn’t had any signs of labor until she got induced


Ja • Nov 3, 2017
Yeah I was due October 13 and I lost mine in September