Just a little vent session.


I'm over being pregnant. I have been miserable all 9 months with being sick. My due date was today and no baby.

I have a MIL who literally doesn't like me. We went to her house a few weeks ago and she gave her son a whole plate of food and told me there's water bottles on the floor. 😂 when my first daughter was born she came to the hospital and didn't say a word to me. And when she finally did say something it was to tell me that my three day labor was nothing compared to what my baby went through. she has been telling me this pregnancy that I'm breach and will probably need an Csection. I know how she feels about me and honestly I'm okay with it. I try to be as pleasant as possible when I have to be around her but other than that I don't go out of my way to try and form a bond with her.

Every day since last Thursday she's texted me to remind I'm pregnant and she loves me. I honestly can't stand these texts. Because I know how she feels about me. I wake up to them already mad because I'm still pregnant. But whatever, if she says she's thinking of me I say thanks. I don't tell her I love her because frankly I don't.

Now my husband tells me yesterday his uncle texting him telling him he loves me and him (I've never met his uncle so idk how he loves me)

He goes on saying that he knows we are naming our son Julian Abram, but they always wanted to have a second child but they weren't able to and that they were going to name him John William and he asked my husband if we'd be willing to name our son that because it was his great great grandpas name.

I'm sorry what? The day before my due date you're going to try and guilt us in to using a name that literally has zero meaning to my husband and I?

I'm so over this family and being pregnant.