Pain in my lower area pelvic and right side mostly


I'm 38 weeks 3 days and I have had soreness in my pelvic area for a couple of weeks now with my others ( I have three boys this will be my first girl ) it never hurt like this it has went from soreness to actual pain and on my right side mainly anytime I use my legs I'm in pain when I stand walk sit lay I'm just in pain I brought it up to my obgyn and she stated that it's probably getting closer to time. I'm in so much pain it's never been this bad it's not contractions for sure it's just pain in my lower area where usually you would have stretching pains and then it turns into my pelvic area it's so hard to explain has anyone ever gone through this? Idk what is wrong and it just hurts so so much I don't want to last 11 more days like this... what if it doesn't go away after I'm kinda freaking out because it hurts so bad