Feeling the baby early?

Sujin • EDD May 11, 2018 our first baby 😍

I’m exactly 13 weeks today so I know this makes no sense - especially since this is my first baby - but around last week and the week before I got these weird sensations in my belly. For the lack of a better expression it felt like a little bug was scratching/tickling the inside of my stomach and sometimes tiny bubbles (like soda fizz) popping. I told my friend and she said it was gas so I ignored it but it happened at least 3-4 times and I know how “gassy” feels but it definitely wasn’t that!

The thought of it being baby movements did NOT even cross my mind until I read articles/posts about moms describing how they first felt their babies. They were basically explaining exactly what I felt!!

Can you actually feel it this early!? Or am I just losing my mind?

PS. I haven’t felt it since then but I’m definitely starting to show now.