I think it’s time.. 💔💔


Me and my bf dated for two years. We had a solid relationship but the usual problems started to occur such as lack of communication etc. recently I found out that he was talking to another girl. He said they were just friends and nothing happened. So I forgave him for that and then I heard rumors of how they had sex. I confronted him he got mad at me so I left. After 3 weeks of not talking he came to me and apologized and how he wanted to work things out. I wanted to rebuild the relationship and start fresh and him tell me truth but he’s not even trying🙄. I think it’s time to end things because I will not come second. I know he loves me but rn it feels like he only wanted to get back with me so no one else would considering the first time we split his friends started to text me. It sucks because we had a good thing going but he’s acting like a boy instead of a man. I’m not sure if I’m rushing him to change or if it’s really time. I just know this time I will not fall for the same mistake and pay attention to the signs. I don’t want to officially break up but I come first this time