Need out!

So my s/o (been with him for 3 years) and I have been fighting a lot, he’s emotionally abusive yet I stay. I feel stuck, one minute it’s so bad I’m ready to leave then he’s nice and I stay. It’s a vicious cycle. Seems like I can’t be my own person, I can’t go out with friends with out him getting mad, I can’t spend MY money with out him getting mad. He pouts and holds affection if I’m not in ‘the mood’ cuz he doesn’t do anything to put me in the mood. Recently I found out he’s back on tinder after I asked him to delete it months ago and he did but now he’s got it hidden in his music folder on his phone. Also I asked him to delete his ex that he got nudes from a few months ago but he hasn’t deleted her but told me he did. She still snapchats her but it’s hidden on his Snapchat so it looks like he doesn’t but I saw the notification when he was showing me something on his phone. I pretended not to see it tho. He constantly tells me that I wouldn’t be able to make it without him, my friends and one of thems mom tells me I can do it but he tears me down so often that I don’t know what to believe.. I’m scared to leave cuz he told me if I ever left I cant take my big dog only my small dog and 4 cats :/ I just feel stuck. Has anyone ever felt this way?