POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING! Is body dysmorphia real?


If no, please explain your reasoning.

Some asshole on fb decided body dysmorphia isnt real. He decided to go on a tangent, attacking other mental illnesses as well such as anxiety and depression. Their reasoning was "everyone gets uncomfortable with their bodies at times".

I have major issues with this. Body dysmorphia is more than discomfort. I struggle with it. My focus is on my weight. So much so that it keeps me from taking pictures for long periods of time, avoiding things that show off my stomach, and mine is so bad that I literally cannot tell if I'm skinny or the size of a bus. I had to send a picture to some of my friends in a group chat and ask them to tell me. It fucks with my head so bad that I start questioning what other things is my brain messing with. What other realities are skewed. It is so frustrating and terrifying. For someone to say this isn't real and it's just discomfort is incredibly insulting and disgusting to me. Just wanted to see how popular this "opinion" is.

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