Casual Sex or Something More?

I'm so confused! Also PSA just out of a big relationship and I'm a dummy with a signs so help plz.

There's this guy from my Psychology class in college I interacted with a little from class and mostly from Tinder. He asked if I swiped on purpose or to be awkward (cuz we matched) and I was like on purpose. I saw him at a party and we started talking about life (legit in the middle of the music blasting) like I sat on his lap, he bought me a drink, we danced but spoke a lottttt to each other after the party. We had sex that night (first time I had casual sex) and he let me sleep over. Then I've been texting him since then & he responds and we actually ended up watching a hour worth of shows then having sex but we always talk a bunch before sex and after. And then his roommate was about to come in and because I couldn't find my shirt (I could've kept looking for it but) he just let me wear his and he shoved my bra in his drawer I guess to hide it??? Idk and I slept over and we talked all morning in bed really close to each other opening up about family and interests and is that what causal sex is or is that something more? Is he just using strategy or is he thoroughly interested? Im not saying I'm interested but like if he was I wouldn't mind.