

Anyone else overproduce while breastfeeding? My LO is 10 days old and we struggle to make feeding comfortable. She tries like a real champ gulping and occasionally choking and pulling off. When we feed it's only about 8 minutes all together but she's getting 1-3oz in that time. (We know this because we own a baby scale and weigh her before and after.) I've read about only feeding with one boob for like 6 hours and then switching but by hour 4 my neglected breast would be leaky and swollen to the max. I was just wondering what you other moms did with overproduction. I'm concidering just pumping and freezing the extra but Idk what I'd do with all of the leftover milk. I know we could donate it but damn I feel like a dairy cow. LOL😂 My main concern is that I don't want to srop breast feeding. I love the connection I feel with her. Any advice is appreciated. TIA