Pregnant after MC, how early?

Sabrina • 35, Wife to an incredible man 💑 Mama to a perfect little boy October 11, 2016 👶🏻, MC October 2017 👼🏼, and our rainbow baby boy born July 18, 2018 🌈

I miscarried on October 17th, my 2 year wedding anniversary. It was one of the worst things I had to go through, and now our anniversary will always be tainted with that. My husband and I decided to try again right away as I’m ‘older’ and we didn’t want this to be our last child.

Anyways, I don’t use OPKs, I track with CM. It’s been about a week since I think I ovulated, we did the dance a few times. Now I’ve been feeling bloated and I’ve had sore breasts since yesterday and super moody. The soreness is pretty bad today. Could these be pregnancy symptoms? Or is it way to early and this is AF coming? I’m trying not to read into it because I don’t want to get my hopes up, but it’s so in my face today