Vivid dreams before BFP??


I am currently 5DPO and the past few nights I had the most vivid and real feeling dreams I’ve ever had. Usually I can’t remember my dreams. It’s been A LONG LONG time since I’ve had one I can remember. The first night I dreamt I was at a funeral speaking with someone I hadn’t heard from in years, the second night I dreamt I was pregnant and trying to get my husband to feel the baby kicking (kept calling the baby a he), the third night I dreamt that my father died in a car accident and I was dealing with that. There were some weird quirks that told me they were dreams but they seriously made me emotionally upset!! I had to stop crying and call my father this morning to make sure he was okay!! I have read a lot of threads about women claiming they had more vivid dreams leading up to their BFP!!

Has anyone experienced this leading to a BFP or is it a bullshit superstition???

****I know that vivid dreams are typically due to high levels of progesterone that occurs after ovulation but I am curious to see who was led to their BFP and experienced this particularly...